COVID Changes to Production and Design Work

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed so many things about our lives, so it’s not surprising that it has brought changes to the construction industry as well.

For 44 days, Buckminster Green stopped work at all our active jobs. Design work continued, and the main change to our design process is that we are doing more remotely, and less in person. In terms of production, in mid-May, we began the slow return to what will, someday, hopefully feel normal again. Our crews are beginning work again on approved job sites. In some ways, it feels like little has changed in those 6 weeks, but it gave us time to get ready. We are prepared to work in a new way. Masks, smaller crews, sanitizing and washing breaks. Our lead carpenters have completed COVID related OSHA training. Methods of material procurement have changed to reduce potential contact. We're not back to normal, but we can work again, and in that way we are lucky. We recognize those that are not in a position to go back to work, and our thanks go out to everyone who has been out there risking exposure to help pave the way for the turnaround.

Kenny Grono